Sunday, January 2, 2011

Practice makes perfect

Mia always asks for a pen when practicing her writing.  That's so funny.  As if it's far too important to just use Crayons or anything with fun colors.  We must get very serious with our pen and paper.

This is her latest version...
 Cute stuff.  The "i" is a kick, but that "a" is the funniest thing  :o)

She's come a long way.  This was her very first go at it a few months ago when we had to first write it and then she'd copy....

We're working on writing ABC's and 123's, but it's not coming out quite so sequenced lol.  She's still all over the place, but we're happy that she's so enthusiastic about it.  When she sees us writing, I can just see her so focused on it and taking it all in like it's the coolest thing ever to "write".  She wants so badly to write fast that she'll do the thing kids always do when they pretend they're writing and scribble real fast.  Then she looks at us so proudly like she actually just wrote something.  Kids are so funny!

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