Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Little Dino-Girl

So we weren’t really going to have a birthday party for Mia this year because we just don’t think little ones need a big birthday party every year.  It seems like a little much to us.  But Mia knows that her birthday is coming up and her excitement has only been snowballing.  We told her we were just going to do cake and ice cream and call it good.  But she’s been asking when her “birthday party” is and if her friends are going to come.  With her friends and cousins’ parties around hers, why wouldn’t the kid ask?  We told her we weren’t going to do all of that this year since we did it last year and she looked at us like we were from Mars.  I don’t think she really remembers her party last year?  With all the screaming and fussiness going on, perhaps she blocked out the whole event all-together ;-p  So we decided to do cake and ice cream with close friends/family and have a few games and decorations and….yeah, so this sounds like it’s just turning into another party….

Another party minus the cost.  I'm making all the decorations and everything else is going to come from my good friend the dollar store.

And when Mia told me earlier this month what kind of party she "really, really" wanted, it was too darn cute to say no to...

My little girl wants a dinosaur party - dinosaur!  Lol - I love it!  That's very Mia of her.  But just because she wants a dinosaur party doesn't mean she's a full-on tomboy.  No.  She asked me to make her a pink tutu, so she's still on the path to little-girlhood.  But what can I say, the girl likes her dinosaurs.

So I began searching for all things dino.  And since we originally weren't planning on a party, that left me with just a month to get it all together.  I've found lots of good ideas for games and decorations online, so we'll see how it all turns out.  There's too many little unfinished things to post, but I'll say much of the inspiration came from this picture:
Yeah...that's a wand-wielding Princess Mia riding a T-Rex  :o)

The only way it could have been more perfect is if she were maybe wearing a crown and had a sword instead of a wand.  Then it would be like she's going into battle.  Yeah...that's more Mia.  But it's still pretty perfect.  Although..I don't think Mia has a Dorothy Hamill 'do, either?....but we get the idea.

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