Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our Date ♥

Me and my little monkey had a date yesterday.  We spend most days together, but we don't always have a "date".  It started off as running errands, but then I got the spontaneous urge to spend some fun time with her while going by the mall.  We walked and talked and sang (yes, we go around singing. what.) and got a bite to eat.  We window shopped and she struck up conversations with random people - "Hi!  My name is Mia.  What's your name?" - "Excuse me, Miss.  Do you know where the bathroom is?  I have to go pee-pee" - "Look, Girl!  That kitty-cat is wearing skates!  She's so silly!" 

She also had fun riding one of those crazy-fast animals on wheels in the middle of the mall....did I mention they were crazy-fast?  Holy cow.  But did Mia flinch?  Not-a-once.  She jumped on the back of that Panda as if she was ol' Hopalong Cassidy and never looked back.  The kid is a true Speed Demon, Evel Knievel, Steve McQueen - just a daredevil, period.  Come to think of it, she kept begging me to ride a motorcycle we parked next to on the way in until I told her we don't go around just riding random motorcycles, as it was somebody else's vehicle.  Perhaps I should have told her that motorcycles are bad and illegal and you should never, never ride them...ever.  Yeah...maybe that'll work.  But if her Daddy ever comes home with one one day, that argument isn't going to hold up very well...
We ended our date with a Slushie.  Out of the four colors to choose from, I secretly hoped Mia would not choose the blue, since it would make the most mess if when it was spilled.  So naturally, she chose the blue.  Little stinker :o)

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