Saturday, January 15, 2011

New design/name

Time for a change to everything.  Mia’s grown and changed so much over the past year, so I thought the blog should follow suit.  I liked the first design, but was never completely set on the title and always meant to change it.  It was sort of an okay for now title until I could put my finger on what I was looking for.  And then, almost a year later, I was listening to a song and it hit me.  Thank you, Jason Mraz.
The design still isn't right, though, so it's temporary.  I just wanted to get the old one off already...cute, but I grew tired of it :o)


  1. Jonathan Davis Had Some Good Ideas For Names Too....."Freak On A Leash".."Got The Life".."Shoots & Ladders"....JK :)

  2. Lol...thanks. And yeah, those titles/songs may be a little uh, how you say...aggressive? I'll keep them in mind for her slideshow though :-D

  3. A Beautiful Mess...yeah, that describes parenthood perfectly :)
