Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kids say the darndest things

We were leaving the grocery store, just me and Mia.  It was still daylight going in, but by the time we left it was dark, moon and all.  Mia was ooh-ing at how beautiful everything was at night while I was packing in the groceries.  She then looked directly up and got excited to see her old friend, Mr. Moon:

“Hey!  Look, Mamma, it’s the Moon!”

“Yeah, it sure is.”

“Hi Moon!  You’re so beautiful.  We gotta go home now.  Have fun, Moon.  Be careful.  Don’t spill on the clouds.  Byyyyeee!”

Lol!  Don’t spill on the clouds?  I think she was talking about the moonlight that was reflecting on the edges of the clouds.   

Be careful?  That’s what we always tell Daddy before he goes to work.  And the moon's job is to be beautiful up in the sky at there's a potential for a workplace accident, just like any other occupation...right?

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