Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Another year has just flown by, hasn't it?  And it's hard to recount everything that went on every single day, which is the main reason why I wanted to start blogging.  But we were absent for several months this past year for a few reasons:  I started this blog a little after the beginning of the year and then I didn't update for basically the whole summer (for that horrible reason).  

So I wanted to recap Mia's Year for 2010 :o)

 Had a big Dora Birthday Bash

Learned to ride her scooter

Got 5 stitches ( and lived to tell! )

Learned to play hopscotch

Got her Ziggy

Learned to doggy-paddle in the pool

 Fully potty-trained

Started school

Learned all of the hard shapes (pentagon, hexagon, etc.)

Can now count to 30

Went to the fair and rode the big girl rides

Learned to write her name

Went to her first rock/hip hop concert (Yo Gabba Gabba Live!)

Had an amazing visit with Santa again

It was a wonderful year.  There was good and bad, happy and sad, funny and scary.  That's life.  And, although tempted, I wouldn't trade any of it for total perfection.

I love our beautiful, messy life together.  It's home and it's where my heart and happiness is ♥ 


  1. You Forgot To Mention Mia Learned How To Do Blow......( Known To The Rest Of The World As A "Candle")...........LOL!

  2. Lol..oh yeah, forgot that little gem. She does love her "blow". Kinda sounds bad when you just throw it out there though! lol
