Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

This year, I wondered if I could get Mia to tell me in her own way what she was thankful for.  Now that she's old enough to communicate her needs/wants/complaints, it seemed like she should be able to.  So when Mia's Grandma asked me to send our "thanks" to them for their Thanksgiving get-together this past Sunday, I went ahead and asked Mia a few questions, in a way that she understood, to get her "thanks" :-)  Her answers were so sweet and silly, I wound up making cards to put them in and give to close family.  

Mia’s Thanks

(When asked who she loved, Mia went through a list)
“Abby, Mamma, Daddy, Tina, Donna, Elizabeth, Abi, Grandma,
Papa, Ziggy, Leah, Becca, Mimi.  I love everyone and my family!”

(When asked what made her happy)
“Happy smile.”
“Friends are happy!”
“Drawing’s happy and my crayons.”
“Ziggy’s happy and he’s my puppy.  And he’s black and I love him.”
“Running with Gabriel is happy.  He’s my friend-cousin, Gabriel.”
“Write down Mimi…and Aaron…and Ezra…and John-John…and
Leah…and Papa…and Joseph.”
“Now, these are my friends!”

(When asked what she liked doing and was glad she gets to do)
“Swinging and the slide and the park!”
“School’s fun!  But you don’t leave me; you stay there.”
“Hey, Mamma, remember we went to the fair and we went up
in the sky!?”

 We had fun making the cards.  She loved tracing her hand and foot and she thought painting her hand was so funny.  I also let her do a little gluing and the glittering.  Oh, what fun :-)


  1. Good idea! Such a cool, crafty mom you are :)

  2. Haha! Crafts are so much fun..especially when the little ones can get in on it.
