Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dear Daughter #1: Don't Drink the Water

Dear Daughter,

Why, oh why would you poop whilst in the bath?  You've been doing so well with no accidents.  And then...this.  Imagine my horror.  Future embarrassment aside, this was one for the books - or in your case, the blog.  Let's get back on track and conduct our business in the proper location from now on, shall we?

Your Disconcerted Mommy


  1. It's disgusting. If this is the first time this has happened in your house, consider yourself a very "lucky" woman. With my experience I'm quite traumatized.

  2. Ugh! What is it with them? Talk about totally grossed out heebie-jeebies. I want to forget it, but I'm pretty sure I never will! Lol

  3. Meeeemories... like the corners of my miiiind misty waaater colored meeeemories....

    You guys are just beginning.... :)

  4. Oh, dear God. Please tell me there's no more poo in my future!!????

  5. My mom said I pooped in the tub once when I was little. She also said my dad caught it mid-float with a ziplock bag...and put it in the toilet where it belonged...
