Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mighty Mia

The other day, Mia went with me and Christopher to look at new houses for us to move into.  When we got home, we were still talking about moving and which houses we liked when Mia interrupted with a very important question.  In her best quizzical mannerism – eyes squinted, head cocked to the side and one side of the lip slightly raised – she asked“Is this our house?”  We weren’t sure how to answer that, so I said, “Well, it’s our house right now, but we’re going to move to a new house very soon.”  She thought about it and then said, quite dramatically, “We’re going to move?!”  After reaffirming that yes, we were moving, she kept on thinking.  So we picked up where we left off and continued talking when I noticed her struggling out of the corner of my eye.  I finally looked over to see what the heck she was doing.  She had her hands leaned against the wall as she pushed on it with all her might and was at an angle I can only describe as 90-degrees.  Before I could even ask, she looked up, all out of breath and said, “I can’t do it!  I can’t move the house!”  Wow.  How quickly we forget that kids take things so literally when they’re so young.  She actually thought we were going to move the house and didn’t understand that we were moving into a different house.  And what's more, she actually thought she possessed the superhuman strength to get the job done!  Adorable :-)  We tried to better explain it and she now has more of an understanding…I think.  How funny kids are.

             She has two swords and she's not afraid to use them!