Monday, November 8, 2010


Mia drew most of these over this past summer, which is when I first started noticing how well she draws.  Being new to the mom thing, I didn't know what was normal for her age.  I expected stick figures and round heads as a start to drawing.  And she does do that sometimes, but some are a little more detailed.  She’s pretty good for a little monkey :-)  She’s even tried copying a couple of pictures and one of her stuffed animals, which just amazed me.  She did a great job.  I try to keep an eye on her when I notice her drawing because most of them have been on her Doodlepad and I learned early on that I have to either have my phone ready to snap a picture or actually take it away and snap one before she can erase it.  One of the first really good things she drew was what looked like a T-Rex silhouette, but before I could get a picture she erased it and was on to the next thing, so I try not to make that mistake again (but sometimes she’s quick!).  When I asked her what it was she said “it’s a dinosaur”, so I don’t know if she drew it on purpose or just recognized it after she drew it?  I don’t know if some of them are by accident or not…so being a proud Mamma, we’ll go with not :-)  So I’ve been trying to collect what pictures I can get and have been meaning to post them.

I almost didn't catch this one walking out of her room one day.  She drew "Map" from Dora.
                                                     "Sid" from Ice age

 "Plankton with bubbles" (from Spongebob)  I know he doesn't have two eyes, a nose or fangs, but it's still good :-)

 "Dolphin with water" (I think she meant "Shark"  She gets dolphins and sharks mixed's a fin thing)
This is her best one yet and the only one I've got on actual paper.  She just said, "it's a silly face"

Maybe she'll take after my mom and brother and turn out to be a really good little artist.

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