Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Halloween was lots of fun this year.  It always seems like, as with any holiday, it’s the weeks or even months leading up to it that are the most fun.  I guess the anticipation and preparation of it all are what’s exciting.  We carved our pumpkins two days before because they just don’t last that long and we wanted them as fresh as possible.  Mia helped me empty the seeds out of the pumpkins which was a lot of fun for her.  She loved getting the gunk all over…and I had loads of fun cleaning it up :-|  I carved a monster pattern that I also did on her pumpkin last year.  It reminds me of her (since we often call her Monster) so I couldn’t resist reusing it.  Her baby pumpkin was meant for an Elmo pattern, but it was rock hard and wasn’t going to cut, so I just drew him on with red and black Sharpies.  He turned out just as cute.
Halloween Day, Christopher had to work and didn’t know if he would be able to get off early, but said he’d try.  Mia so wanted her Daddy to take her trick-or-treating.  When she’d hear a car door or something, she kept going to the front window all day saying “(Gasp!) Daddy’s home!  Now we can go trick-or-treating!”  It was kind of sad because I didn’t know for sure if he’d be able to.  Once I started to get the both of us ready was when she really started getting excited.  She kept calling me “Mommy Kitty-Cat” after I put on my nose and whiskers.  “Mommy Kitty-Cat, when are we gonna go trick-or-treating, Mommy Kitty-Cat?”  She’s such a ham bone.  I finally talked to Chris in the early evening and he said it looked like he wouldn’t be able to come home early.  Darn.  So I decided to take her to Aaron and Donna’s to trick-or-treat with her cousins and Christopher could meet up with us later if he was able to.  Not too long after getting there and after going to a few houses, he called and said he was on his way.  Yay!  I brought him clothes and his “costume” just in case he came.  So he changed and met up with us down the street.  Well, let’s just say he was a hot mess.  Part work clothes/part street clothes/part costume.  But okay, at least he tried?  Mia was still thrilled to see him and the kids had lots of fun and got lots of candy.  Us adults had fun joking with each other the whole time, as well.  When else do you go out street walking at night anymore?

With all the excitement, we didn’t take too many pictures.  But we did ok :-)

Um, excuse me, Dorothy?  I do believe that’s my bucket you have there…and my candy!  Haha
Mommy Kitty-Cat and Mia took a few together before venturing out
                       Liz and friend Maddie walking Princess Mia
                                                     Paparazzi shot!
Mia with Daddy in his kinda-costume.  We’ll call him Officer Daddy Rex.  Lol
You know how sometimes you get a glimpse of a kid – just by the way they look at some random moment – and you kind of see them as an older person?  This is one of those times.  Something about her face in this picture just shows me an older Mia.  Funny :-)

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