Friday, December 3, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba Live!

The Gabba concert was a blast!  The kids had an awesome time and so did we.  Our seats were better than we thought they would be so we were excited about that right away.  Everyone looked great and so many peopled donned their cute Gabba outfits, including us!  I made everyone T-shirts with their favorite characters and made my nieces tutus to go along with theirs.  They looked adorable.  Everyone really like Mia’s little set, too, and we even saw another little girl with the same design, but different character set-up.
Because it was in LA, I think that added to the amazement for the kids.  Being right downtown with all the big buildings and lights was really cool for them.  Right outside of Nokia Theater there was a small ice rink  in the quad area with a train for the kids to ride and lots of Christmas lights and decorations…meanwhile, it was like 70-degrees!  Oh, well.  That’s So-Cal for ya!  It was nice, though. 
When we finally were let through the doors to the lobby, we were surrounded with Gabba music, cool lights and Gabba garb.  Out of all the neat things around us, the one thing Mia pleaded for was cotton candy!  Haha!  So I got her cotton candy and she was content.  We also got the girls little light wands to wave around when we got inside the dark theater.  We met  lots of new friends – the first one being little Delia whose grandmother made her a Super Martian Robot Girl costume!  Awesome!  I had to get her and Mia’s picture together.  Mia got lots of compliments on her little set – she really looked cute.  All the kids did.  When the theater doors opened, everyone was handed cardboard DJ Lance glasses (YES!) so some of us sported them the whole time…like me  :-)  
We waited for the show to start while everyone found their seats.  While we waited we met another friend, a little girl whose name I can’t remember, who was sitting in front of us.  Her and Mia chatted about toddler things.  The theater was just buzzing with excitement!  Finally it started and oh, what a show!  All the hit songs; Kid Koala as the music guest; Dustin Brown as the Dancey Dance guest; and of course, Biz Markie, who I thought was the best!  He did lots of beats with Lots of kids, which was great and then he really broke it down with the beatboxing and then invited the audience to sing along with his infamous song “Just a Friend”  Just the chorus, of course.  After all, this was a family-friendly show.  But it was great!  The kids danced and sang their little hearts out.
When Mia first realized that Yo Gabba Gabba was actually on stage, she was just amazed.  And the first thing she asked was, “Mamma, can I hug them?”  How sweet.  After intermission, Muno and Foofa came down our side of the aisle and greeted everyone on their way up to the stage.  Mia was yelling at them, as they passed pretty quickly, “Muno, Foofa, I want to say hi to you!”  Haha!  I think if they have a tour again, we’ll have to spring for the VIP tickets so that she can hug them and say hi to them – she would LOVE that.  
Her favorite part of the show was the balloon drop.  Tons of balloons rained on the audience after the Gabbas sang their “Balloons” song and Mia loved hitting them over to the people farther away from us…it was all about sharing after all :-)  We only let the kids each take one home because they took up a lot of space, so Mia chose a happy red balloon to call her own – and now, days later, she’s still playing with it non-stop!  They sang the "Goodbye" song at the end of it all and then it rained confetti, which Mia let fall all over her, arms outstretched, while I held her up in the air.  She then proceeded to get down on the floor and pick up all that she could.
Overall, a great day and worth all the trouble.  I loved spending time with my little monkey and my family.  That’s what it’s all about :-)