Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A great deal from Shutterfly...

While visiting other family blogs, I recently came across this amazing deal where Bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly (that’s right, FREE!) when they do a nice little write up on their blogs, such as I’m doing :-)  I’m sure many bloggers across this World Wide Web will be taking advantage of this awesome opportunity.  And I’m glad I came across it because as it just so happens, I was already looking for our holiday card on Shutterfly, so this worked out like a dream!

Shutterfly’s holiday cards for 2010 are fantastic!  They have many different styles to choose from so they’re sure to have something befitting even the pickiest of people.  You know who you are :-)  We usually gravitate more towards the classic style Christmas cards, but this year I’m thinking we might go a little more modern because the new styles were just too cute.  We’ll have to think on it.  But so far, I like these:  AND and modern, but they still have that touch of Christmas.  And they both allow for multiple pictures, which is always a plus.

They also have really neat New Years cards.  I think these two are my favorites:  AND  They kind of sum up the year in a short and sweet way.  And, again, multiple pictures :-)

So whether you're my friend, family or just a visitor who happened upon my blog (as I often am on others') and you would like to collect on this great offer from Shutterfly, you can apply here: 

Just do it!  You know you want to :-)

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