Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Will help for $40

To preface this little story, I should explain that any and all paper money is "forty dollars" to Mia.  We have no idea where she got this stuck in her head, but that's how she understands it.

So I was cleaning the bathroom and Mia all of the sudden came up to me very excited and said, "Mamma, I help you."  Now, she doesn't really ever ask to help me clean.  Usually, she just finds a rag and goes around "cleaning" on her own.  So I said okay and asked her to pick up Ziggy's toys and put them in his bed.  She went off to pick them up and I continued cleaning.  She came back a few minutes later and said, "Mamma, I picked up Ziggy's toys."  I said okay and thank you.  She then said, "I can have $40, Mamma?"  I think she meant "can I have" but nevertheless, I couldn't believe she had actually tried to pull that fast one at all of 2 1/2! 

I don't think you're quite old enough to start being money-driven there, Mr. Trump.  How about a cookie instead?

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