Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"I no hero"

We've been working on the potty-training pretty hard now for a few months.  Mia will go pee-pee on the toilet with no problem, but poo-poo is a whole other story.  She seems to be afraid to do it, not necessarily refuses to.  So we'll catch her doing her "business" in her pull-up and we make her go sit on the toilet.

Not too long ago, I caught her on one such occasion.  She was watching a cartoon (I think it was Wubbzy) and it was talking about being a hero.  She was doing her little poo-poo tippy-toe dance, so I asked her if she was about to go poop.  She said no, but the tippy-toe dance doesn't lie.  So I told her "Come on, you need to come and sit on the toilet."  Still dancing, half listening to me and half watching her cartoon, she shook her head back and forth and responded with, "No.  I no poo-poo on the toilet.  I no hero."  I could have died laughing!  Where's the damn video camera when you need it?

*On a positive note:  Mia has since broken through her apprehensions and has now been doing her business on the toilet for a couple months now like a little champ!  Yay's all around!*


  1. That's so hilarious :) Stupid, evil, bring-me-to-my-knees potty-training, though!!! We FINALLY got pee down, but Cassie has manipulated her poo schedule so that she'll do it in her pull-up right before she gets out of bed in the morning...just to avoid the damn toilet.

    I've missed your posts. I'm so glad things have gotten better.

  2. That's so funny! They'll do anything to avoid it, won't they? And thanks, I've really missed posting them, too :)
