Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mailing letters

Our mail is dropped from an outside slot into our house by the mailman.  It has a distinct sound and Mia takes pride in getting the mail after it comes and bringing it to us.  We recently realized that she'd been "mailing letters" without us knowing.  She has a playschool mailbox that her Grandma got her for Christmas that came with several letters and even a package to help little ones understand the concept and play pretend.  Mia takes those little plastic letters and puts them in our mail slot as outgoing mail.  We usually catch them before the mail comes so that they don't get knocked outside or so that the mailman doesn't have to pick it up or anything.  But one day we heard the mail slot open and then we got a knock at our door.  Christopher answered and the mailman handed him our stack of mail saying it wasn't going to all fit through the slot.  He then held up a little orange, plastic letter and said, "Is this for me?"  Christopher laughed and said "Yeah, that's my daughter.  She mails her letters all the time."  The mailman chuckled and said, "Yeah, I've seen them before."  I guess a few had slipped by us in the past...oops.

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