Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Mia has a play tent that she's had forever it seems, and aside from her little red wagon, it has been one of her favorite and most played with toys.  For some reason, she thinks it's her secret fortress that cannot be penetrated, as she uses it for plenty of mischief.  Her "Ink'd" incident was done in her tent, we know, since we found the smoking gun (the blue pen) inside of it.  We've also, on more than one occasion, found a trail of Cheerios and milk leading from the table, down the hall and straight into her tent.  Also, if anything goes missing, one of the first places we look is the tent because she'll hide things away and covet them.  The funniest thing, though, is when she makes a break for it and literally dives into the opening of her little fort - totally reckless and no regard for safety, just full on dive.  The very middle of our house is the dining room and it has four different doorway openings, one on each wall, that lead to different rooms or parts of the house.  So it's very open, but at the same time Mia can easily hide in any room.  So when it gets quiet and my Mommy senses tingle, I know she's up to no good.  Sometimes after one call of her name it's still quiet and it takes the tell-tale first and middle "Mia Fay!" to get a reaction.  After that, all I hear is the thump-thump of her feet and all I see is a streak of half-naked baby running through each of those doorways as she makes a mad dash for her tent.  Sometimes she's quiet and sometimes she laughs the whole way, depending on how much trouble she knows she's in.  Either way, it's very funny.

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