Wednesday, September 1, 2010

3rd & 4th of July

Traditionally, we've always gong to my Grandmother's house for 4th of July since she lives so close to BC and makes the best homemade ice cream ever.  But this year, as I'm sure everyone heard, BC didn't do their big fireworks show because the funding wasn't there.  That was pretty disappointing news because we really wanted Mia to see the big show.  It just so happened that her Daddy was working in Lake Isabella during July, so we were all invited to the station up there on the 3rd to watch their big show that they put on over the lake.  The station is on a big semi-secluded hill right off the lake so we had a great view.  Before the show, we enjoyed a potluck BBQ and met some of Christopher's colleagues and their families - all very nice people.  He was on duty, so he and his partner would come and go throughout the evening when they had a free moment.  Waiting was almost torture for all the little ones, so they had to entertain themselves until it got dark.  Mia chose to entertain herself by torturing Joseph.  Poor Joseph.  But when it turned dark is when it got fun.  All the little and not-so-little ones were very excited with anticipation.  The glow sticks and glow toys came out and Mia was all over them, making friends with whomever owned anything that lit up so that she could hold it for a while.  She, too, had her little patriotic light-up sandals that got "ooh's & aah's".  One group in particular was quite attractive to Mia.  There were a few pre-teen girls and several kids and adults.  They all really took to Mia.  She kept going over and staying a while at a time talking their ears off and playing with the girls' glow toys.  She'd then come back to us for a while and before leaving again would say, "I'm gonna go with my other family now" and then she'd run back to them.  What a ham!  She mingled with basically everyone else also.  She'd run from group to group talking to everyone and asking questions and making herself perhaps a little too at home.  Nobody seemed to mind, though.  She's such a little character, I think she probably provided entertainment before the show.  When the fireworks did finally start, they were well worth the wait - big and beautiful!  The funny thing is, I find more pleasure in watching the looks on the little ones' faces more than watching the shows myself.  There's so much awe in those little looks.  It's truly magical.

For the actual 4th of July, we went to Mia's Uncle Aaron & Aunt Donna's house.  We cooked BBQ and then busted out more glow sticks, tattoos, sparklers and uh...Really good fireworks.  Lots of fun!  LOTS of pictures!

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