Sunday, March 6, 2011

Visiting Grandpa

I took Mia to see Grandpa.  She never got to meet him, so I often talk about him and what he was like.  She asked me why he died and if he could have taken medicine so he wouldn’t have died.  She also asked why he and all the others were there at the cemetery.  I told her it was just a place where people’s bodies are laid to rest after they die, but that their souls go to heaven.  I realize I was talking to a three-year-old, but I think she kind of got it.  I also told her that people visit their loved ones at the cemetery to remember them or talk to them.  I told her she could talk to Grandpa, too, if she wanted, and I got a little teary-eyed at what she said.

“Sorry I never met you, Grandpa.  But it’s okay – you’re here.  But you died.  I love you, Grandpa.”

I love you, too, Grandpa ♥

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