Monday, March 21, 2011

Dance class

We’ve been wanting to put Mia in an artistic or athletic class, but wanted to wait until she was at least 3 to do it.  Well, she’s 3.  We went through the possibilities:  music, martial arts, dance, gymnastics, various sports.  If there were plentiful classes for dramatic acting or standup comedy, she’d have been in that the second she turned 3.  

So we showed the monkey examples and of course she liked them all, but said she wanted to do ballet the most.  I thought she might say that.  Thanks to Olivia, she’s had her little heart set on doing ballet for a while.  And she’s a little girl, so of course she wants to do ballet.  But we were thinking gymnastics would be best for her to start with because she’s a jumper, that one.  And can I just say, she needs gymnastics.  Badly.  She is the klutziest most accident-prone child.  She trips on everything and nothing.  She needs to learn balance and coordination whilst getting her crazy on.  

Then for a while she kept going back and forth, but was again ultimately set on ballet more than “nymnacstics”.  And once she found out her bestie Abby wanted to do ballet, that just reinforced her choice.  And just like an answer to everything we found a class and instructors who teach tap, ballet and gymnastics.  And what’s more cool is she’s taking the classes with her buddies Abby and Lexi.  They have a big recital at the Fox Theater in July and five more after that at different events around town!  She starts tomorrow and I can’t even describe how excited she is.  She starts inadvertently shaking and jumping at the thought. 

God help those instructors.  As far as listening and following instructions, I’m thinking she’ll either do extremely well or just totally crash and burn.  I can just see her goofing off and acting like a ham to try and get laughs out of everyone.  I’m half expecting them to bring her back after 5 minutes and ask us to kindly leave and never return….


 …can they really do that?...  

We’ll have to have a good talk with that girl.

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