Wednesday, March 23, 2011

(Theoretical) Cone of Shame

“Is that even legal?” you may be asking yourself.  Well, as a matter of fact, yes it is.  But only under extreme circumstances.  And ours were extreme.  See, the groomer told me afterward that the two biggest mats on either side of Ziggy's neck could have made two more ears, they were so big.  And apparently he had all kinds of treasures hiding in his coat:  tulle, string, even a sticker (thanks Mia).  High maintenance, this one.  And now, we’re left with what looks like a mix between a Whippet and a Poodle.  Hey, at least they were generous and left his little frohawk on the top of his head.  Without that, I'm afraid we'd just have a rather large rat on our hands...
This is his 5th day without his beautiful locks and he still doesn’t know how to act.  You may think dogs don’t know/don’t care.  He knows.  He knows his hair is what makes him beautiful.  How vain  :-p  The day he was shaved was quite warm, just as it had been for the several weeks previous.  And wouldn’t you know, the day after the deed was done, it got cold and started raining again - hence the pink Kai-Lan t-shirt.  Walmart usually has plenty of Bill Cosby-esque sweaters for dogs, but since it was getting warm, they must have already gone out of season.   

See that look?  I think he’s beyond shame.  It’s now just utter mortification.  That, or he's mentally cursing me...probably the latter...
 Poor, poor, Petri.

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