Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gone fishing instead of wishing...

Mia’s first official fishing trip turned out nicer than I thought it would.  She had been kind of sick to her stomach that day and the day before, so we were just going to do it another time.  But she insisted she was good to go.  The first thing she said after she threw up that morning was, “I’m okay now.  Can I still go fishing?”  Lol.  The girl knows what she wants.  It seemed to be just a morning bug, so we decided to go ahead and take her.  We found a nice quiet spot at a lake here in town and before you knew it, we had a few more people show up around us.  It was a somewhat enclosed area so Mia went around and made friends with everyone, particularly the man closest to us.
So first things first.  We weren’t there 15 minutes before she got too close to the water and fell in feet first.  I was standing there with her and grabbed her before she fell all the way in.  Yes, we warned her; no, she didn’t listen.  We were not surprised and, in fact, expected this to happen.  Hence the extra clothing and shoes we brought. 
So we were just talking and enjoying ourselves when the man next to us gave out a “Hey!”  He was the first to get a bite and he called Mia over and let her reel in her very first fish.  He was very sweet.  And she was so excited!  She wouldn’t leave her pole alone at first and just kept reeling it in over and over.  She didn’t quite know what to do, but she knew she wanted to catch more fish.  Her Daddy kept showing her how things were done in hopes that something would stick.  And she was getting a lot of it.  She’d want to hand him the bait or the “special sauce”, and she always had to help him cast out the lines and, of course, reel them in.  Pretty soon, Daddy got two bites on his pole and she also reeled those in.  She was so very proud of herself and did a little dance while singing, “Yay!  I did it – I did it!  Go Mia – go Mia!”  A lady a few spots down caught a 20-pound Carp and everyone was just amazed.  They sent it back out after everyone got a good picture of it.  
It took Mia a little while to learn the patience of fishing, so her Daddy also made her a little “fishing pole” to play with in the meantime by using the top piece of another pole and tying a line and a bobber to it.  She sat at the edge of the water plopping it in and out to her heart’s content.  We stayed out there a good half of the day and left soon after lunchtime.  Very nice to spend time together doing something like that.  Mia’s also been bugging to go camping, so now we’re kind of itching to go camping and fishing.

I guess for now, we’ll have to keep wishing…

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