Thursday, March 31, 2011

Latte: Italian for "You paid too much for that coffee"

I like my Starbucks – no denial here.  And though I have my own coffee maker, I still find myself in line with all of the other idiots addicts paying way too much for our habits.  Or…at least I thought it was every now and then…

I was waiting in the drive-through with Mia.  I had just finished ordering a chocolate milk for said monkey and a nice hot latte with three Sweet & Low’s and extra foam for myself when Mia asked me something that didn’t quite make sense.

“Mamma, how come you didn’t get a Benny-I lolly ‘n’ three sleen-lows very lotta ice?”

 “Uhhh, say again?”

She repeated.  And out of sheer phonetic recognition I understood this time…and immediately started laughing…and soon after was a little embarrassed…..even in front of my three-year-old.

It was a cold morning so I had ordered a hot coffee, but it was not my “usual”.  Usually I get a “Venti iced latte with three Sweet & Low’s and very light ice”.   I guess Mia knew this all too well.

Good God, am I really that predictable?  Do I indulge too much in my caffeinated friend?  Why is my child memorizing everything I say?  What else has she memorized?  Why do I have to be a natural born potty-mouth?

Mental Note:  Stop cursing like a sailor under your breath when you drive.