Monday, August 8, 2011

Things she says...

“I’m gonna go to college!”  (…does she even know what college is?)

“Mommy, who’s gonna fix the cracks on the moon?”

“Are you serious?  Are you really serious?  You’re killin’ me!”

(*unexplained crash*)  "Mia?”   “It wasn’t me! It was the fireworks!”

“You can’t talk to me like that!  I’m a nice girl.”

(*calling out from the bathroom*)  “Mo-om!  I wiped my own bu-utt!  I did a pretty good jo-ob!”

“This is a really, really, hard, hard, hard, hard time.”  (translation: I’m tired and ready to go to sleep)

“Oh, my gammit!”  (thank you so much, Fred movie -_-)

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