Sunday, August 28, 2011

Learning to Swim

Mia finished her swim lessons a couple weeks ago, now, and with great success!  Very comforting for us.  She had a little swim partner, Holly, and they became fast friends.  Their instructor was wonderful with them.  If I do say so myself, she was the best instructor out of them all.  Mia learned to identify lifeguards, hold her breath under water, float on her back all by herself, back paddle, retrieve toys from the bottom of the pool (shallow water, of course), bob/doggy-paddle to the edge of the pool in shallow water by herself, and started learning how to fully doggy-paddle without assistance. 

Her instructor said she did very well because of her no-fear attitude, and she even gave her partner more confidence and helped her to be less scared.  We're very proud of her!  She did so well that next year she'll be ready for the Level I class and I think she'll then learn to swim all by herself.  Can't come soon enough!

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