Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dance Recital

Her invitation
 Miss Mia had her first recital this past Tuesday.  And I have to say that we weren't sure what to expect, as the child can be unpredictable at times.  But she did great at dress rehersal, and she did a fantastic job on rehersal night.  We did just a little makeup because she's not a grown woman and I refuse to be one of those moms.  But she felt very special and beautiful.  We took some pictures before sending her off to wait with her class and she was being quite the little poser.

                                    Then, as usual, it turned goofy...

They were the 10th act to go on, but she held up very well.  No wardrobe malfunctions or ripped tights to speak of.  When they walked out on stage and I saw that sweet smile on her face (and, as usual, no fear), I could have cried.  I was so proud of her and I was so proud to be her Mommy.  And she hadn't even started dancing yet!  The dancing was very good, too.  She had really buckled down in the past two weeks to better learn her routine and all the girls did a great job.  She did keep looking around at everything, though, but you can't blame her.  It must have been such an experience for her - the stage, the lights, all the people staring at them!

And then the funniest part of it all...Mia stopped dancing at one point towards the end because she spotted me in the audience since we were only three rows back.  She did a delayed double-take (I think because she saw my camera's focus light and knew it was mine), and she just stopped and waved and said, "Hi, Mommy!"  Then she turned to her friend Lily to her right and said matter-of-factly, "That's my mom!", then continued her dance.  Everybody was laughing!  It was the funniest moment and one we'll always remember.  I'm glad we got it on video.

She saw her Mamma :o)
                                                    <= The video

She got a bouquet of flowers from her Grandma and Papa and felt like a little star.  Then afterwards, she was treated to ice cream by her Mimi.  A good ending to a wonderful night.

Ladies and Gentlemen....Blue Steel!


  1. I'm so sorry I didn't get to see her, but so glad that you put the video up. What a doll! She is just too, too much. :)

  2. ...she actually did ten times better at her recitals at the fair. Guess she had to get used to performing in front of people? She got lots of great compliments from everyone, including complete strangers! She was on it!
