Saturday, July 16, 2011


What?  Don't you read with
your eyes closed?
Mia got her very own library card yesterday.  Big milestone, eh?  The girl loves books.  We try to take her to the bookstore regularly to pick out her very own book, which is such a special treat for her, but most of her books are secondhand because they're so e’spensive. 

But  there’s nothing like going to the library.  Thousands of books for the taking?  It’s so exciting, you don’t even know where to begin.  And neither did Mia.  The lady at the front desk was thrilled for her and explained to her how everything worked, had her sign her card and sent her on her way.  She was in awe over the whole experience and it was hard for her to contain her excitement.  I had to remind her several times that we needed to be quiet in the library because others might be trying to read.  We started our search and I was only expecting to stay for a bit and maybe get a handful of books for her.  But our pile kept growing and after a couple of hours, we ended up leaving with quite a stack.  And she’s already plowed through all of them!  Crazy kid. 

She felt quite important

Like her Daddy, she’s a huge movie buff.  But like her Mommy, she’s also a huge book nerd  8o)  See how that evens out?  I’m glad though.  Nerd it up, baby girl.  Movies are great entertainment, but there’s nothing like a good book and your own imagination.

Her favorite find of the day?.....

Yeah......I know.......  :o)


  1. One, this is awesome! And the book at the end, cracking me up :)
    Two, for only being three and half and not having been to preschool yet, I'm seriously impressed with how well she writes her name. That's not a common thing.
    -Amy Maier

  2. Thanks! That book is a kick :o)

    And a Lot of times she gets her "a" backwards, and lately she's been sometimes writing her whole name backwards! Haha! (Hope that's not a sign of dyslexia or something?) So I'm proud that she got it so right under pressure like that

  3. That book is so cute! Yay for books, and what's wrong with nerds? :)

  4. Not a thing :) Nerds are the new cool B-)
