Friday, April 29, 2011

Daddy's present

Christopher had his birthday this month and we celebrated by going out to breakfast with his close family.  Then Mia’s Papa offered to keep her for the day so we could go do something, just the two of us.  We went to the movies and then went home and...took a nap.  Ha!  We’re so old!  But it was glorious, I tell you - glorious!  It was nice to have time to ourselves.  Reminded me of the good old days.  *Sigh*  So after we picked Mia up and she came home and got ready for bed.  She was off playing in her room when she suddenly realized something and came storming out.

We were snuggly on the couch when she comes and stands in front of us, eyebrows furrowed and somewhat upset, and loudly said, “Hey!  It’s Daddy’s birthday!”

“Uh…yes, it is.”

“But we didn’t have any cake!”

“Baby, when you’re older, you don’t always have to have cake on your birthday.”

Not satisfied with that answer and still upset, “But Daddy didn’t get a present!”

Daddy took this one, “Yes I did.  Daddy went out to breakfast with everyone and me and Mommy went on a date and Papa got Daddy a nice camping chair.  We can use it next time we go fishing, okay?”

“Oh, okay.”  Then a few seconds later (8:00-ish PM, mind you), “Come on guys!  Let’s get ready so we can go fishing and use Daddy’s new chair!”

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