Friday, April 29, 2011

Can a sponge really do all that?

Well, this isn't just any sponge.  Talking about the Magic Eraser.  I'd heard miraculous things about it, but never tried it...until now.

Shortly after moving in, my ever-so-innocent daughter did this to the back of her door.  There were actually two colors:  one Crayola Washable Crayon in red violet; the other (being the one that remained) just a regular Crayola Crayon in blue violet. 

M'kay.  Lesson learned.  It better be labeled "washable" or it's not coming in this house.
Lovely shade, no?  This is when she learned the phrase, "I didn't mean to!" doesn't always cut it.

Enter this guy...
Yeah, they actually put his likeness on the sponge.  Gives it more oomph, don't you think?

I really didn't expect much, even with the tough Mr. Clean staring at me.  I mean, it's a sponge.  It had no significant smell or rough texture of any kind.  But that must be the magic part about it... 

It was a miracle, I tell you.  Scrubbing with little effort, watching it disappear before my eyes.  I swear I heard the Hallelujah Chorus singing in the background.

The before and after...

Yes.  Apparently, a sponge really can do all that.

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