Saturday, April 30, 2011

You're the mac to my cheese...

...the peanut butter to my jelly, the Andy Taylor to my Barney Fife, the woosah to my crazy...

The reasons I love you (for my love on his birthday)

I love how when we first met, our love was instant

I love that the last thing I hear every night before going to sleep is “I love you”

I love that Mia is so much like you

I love how you always stick up for me

I love when you do random, crazy things - like when I refuse to dance, carrying me out to the dance floor and then shakin’ it in front of me like Carlton

I love how you think you’re a better driver than I am

I love how hard working you are and how much passion you have for your career

I love how every time I say your car smells weird, your response is to wink at me and say, “What does it smell like?  Sexiness?”

I love how you have just one speaking volume - you’re the only one who thinks you’re whispering

I love how honest and faithful you are to me - without a doubt, I know that you always will be

I love that when I secretly ball my used gum up and hand it to you, you’ll say “Really?  That’s disgusting.” but still always throw it away for me  :o)
I love how you always bring me flowers for no reason

I love your unwavering confidence

I love how when you’re frustrated with me, you do the ol’ Ralph Kramden fist shake and say “To the moon, Alice!”

I love how we can waste whole Sundays together being lazy and watching movies

I love how every day you thank me for dinner

I love how you’ve always put Mia to sleep at night – your special time together

I love how at random moments we crack each other up with dumb movie quotes

I love how the most important thing to you is taking care of your family

I love your warm hugs – they’re always genuine

I love when you text me cheesy things like "olive juice"

I love that since the beginning of us, you’ve always randomly pushed my hair upwards to kiss the back of my neck

I love how when making PB&J you like to sing, “It’s peanut butter jelly time!  Peanut butter jelly time!...”

I love how you call us during the day just to see how we are

I love how when you push Mia on the swing, she points up and tells you “I wanna go to Mars, Daddy!  Can you push me there?” and you always tell her you can

I love your beautiful smile. Go-jus dahling!

I love that you're one of only two people that's ever called me Panda Bear

I love how you let Mia jump at, walk on and just generally abuse you because it’s fun for her

I love when you tell me everything will be okay because when you say it, I know it’s true

I love how you absolutely cannot lie

I love how you call us your “beautiful girls”

Even though you don't regularly read our blog (how could you, sir!), I wanted to list just some of the many reasons I love you.  There are more and more reasons every year as we grow, as our baby grows and as our love grows.  Olive juice ♥

Relay For Life 2011

Me and the monkey ventured out to Relay For Life today and spread the donations around.  It's such a huge event - I think the largest in the U.S.  And such a worthy cause.  I mean, who doesn't know someone who's been affected by cancer.  The little ones are what tear me up the most.  I feel blessed enough to have a healthy little girl and I can only hope she always will be.  You can just feel the comradery amongst those there and it's a great feeling to know that so many people want to help find a cure for all those who have been and will be afflicted by this horrible disease.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Fun

Lots of fun this past Easter Sunday.  Being that it was a super busy holiday for people who celebrate on every inch of every park in the county, Daddy had to work again.  Really, who celebrates Easter at a park?  Oh, that’s right.  Apparently everyone.  But we made the most of it, even without the Daddy Bear.  

First we visited with Grandma, Papa and all the cousins.  Mia had so much fun with the massive egg hunt and chaos that afterwards ensued.  Five words.  Confetti eggs and silly string.  ‘Nuff said.  :o)

Not even poor Molly was spared

After that we headed over to my brother’s and had another hunt in their massive quarter-acre backyard – sheesh.  Those egg hiders made those girls work for it!  Then Liz, Ezra and Nikkole basically ate most of the girls’ good stuff (meaning the chocolate).  We enjoyed BBQ and played the day away.  Good times :o)


Daddy's present

Christopher had his birthday this month and we celebrated by going out to breakfast with his close family.  Then Mia’s Papa offered to keep her for the day so we could go do something, just the two of us.  We went to the movies and then went home and...took a nap.  Ha!  We’re so old!  But it was glorious, I tell you - glorious!  It was nice to have time to ourselves.  Reminded me of the good old days.  *Sigh*  So after we picked Mia up and she came home and got ready for bed.  She was off playing in her room when she suddenly realized something and came storming out.

We were snuggly on the couch when she comes and stands in front of us, eyebrows furrowed and somewhat upset, and loudly said, “Hey!  It’s Daddy’s birthday!”

“Uh…yes, it is.”

“But we didn’t have any cake!”

“Baby, when you’re older, you don’t always have to have cake on your birthday.”

Not satisfied with that answer and still upset, “But Daddy didn’t get a present!”

Daddy took this one, “Yes I did.  Daddy went out to breakfast with everyone and me and Mommy went on a date and Papa got Daddy a nice camping chair.  We can use it next time we go fishing, okay?”

“Oh, okay.”  Then a few seconds later (8:00-ish PM, mind you), “Come on guys!  Let’s get ready so we can go fishing and use Daddy’s new chair!”