Friday, December 10, 2010

"Can you take down my hair"

This is the question I always get from Mia as soon as we come home and step in the door.  And if you don't do it soon enough or if you tell her she needs to leave it up, she'll just take it down herself or have a freak-out trying.  I also have to restrain her from stripping in random places.  The girl does not like clothes.  Or shoes.  Or anything holding her hair up.  It happens mostly when she's tired and just wants to be comfortable.  Free spirit, that one.

I caught her in the middle of a psycho moment after an obvious failed attempt at taking her hair down.  She was vigorously shaking her head back and forth and screaming...lovely sight.  I couldn't stop laughing.
                                          When I laugh, she laughs...
                                       ..and laughs...and laughs... :-) 
                                           Love that crazy kid ♥

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