Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A little adjusting

We weren't sure how Mia would take our move to a new house.  Last time we moved, she was still too young to really understand it all, so our last house is really what she's come to know as home.  I thought she would be okay since we had talked to her about us moving and tried to prepare her for it.  And she did do okay, but just okay.  The first day here and every day for the next 3 days she'd randomly say "I want to go home."  We just told her this is home now and she'd kind of get mad and tell us "No, it's not home!"  Haha!  Only Mia would actually get mad at something like that.  It's like at first she was almost keeping her feelings inside, though, and not telling us what was wrong with her.  She was being extra fussy and kind of bad for no reason and when we'd scold her, she'd then start crying and say "I'm scared!  I want to go home!"  Then I'd catch her looking out the window or talking to Ziggy and she'd say things like "Home is far, far away" and "But where is our house?"  Poor little lamb.  Kinda breaks my heart :-(  But she's since been adjusting and I think now that the Christmas decorations are going up and it's all coming together, she's feeling a little more at home.  It just takes time.

Ziggy, on the other hand, is still a psycho basket-case...what is it with little dogs being completely out of their minds?...

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