Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fun at the Fair

We had lots of fun at the fair this year!

Mia & Abi staring in awe at the elephants.  They also saw a camel and all the animals that were there.
Petting the rabbits – and staring at the fallen poo.  Did you know rabbits bite?  I did not know that.  But now me and my finger are very aware…little deceptive beasts.
She kept tearing the bubble wand across the sky.  We tried to put her inside of one, but it just wasn’t working.
We took pictures twice in the photo booth – and Mia still wanted to take more!  She wasn’t done making faces at the camera.  Notice the disheveled hair.  We really should have taken them first, I guess!
Mia & Ezra wanted me to take photos of them…in the photo booth.  Makes sense since they’re both a bit nutty! 

Liz sharing her snow cone with Mia
These ones are my favorite because of her raw excitement.  She absolutely loved the rides!  The psycho child couldn’t get enough of them and needless to say, there was absolutely no fear in her little lion heart.

Waiting was the worst....

Riding the dragon (of course) on the merry-go-round
Her favorite was the ferris wheel.  She loved going “up in the sky” and these pictures show her amazement of the whole experience.  The kid doesn’t get it from me because I’ve never been a big rides person.  So I got a little nauseous from it all, but I toughed it out for my daredevil.
Mommy's favorite...
 Every time Christopher sees this one he says the same thing he said the first time he saw it:  “I can’t believe my baby was up that high.”  What can I say to that?  She made me do it.


  1. She's so brave! The photo booth pictures are sweet and you both will treasure those. Plus I'm jealous 'cuz C would never allow those pictures...turd :)

  2. Haha!..they all have their quirky weirdo peeves, huh?
