Monday, October 18, 2010


Out of all the cute baby dolls that Mia has, she chooses the most unorthodox to be her new buddy.  We won her out of an arcade crane machine over a year ago and I guess she’s just hung around in Mia’s toys ever since then.  She’s very plain, a little cheesy-looking, and Mia named her Choo-Leah.  We couldn’t figure out if she was saying Julia and just putting a weird emphasis on it because they sound so similar; but no, she was quick to correct us.  “It’s Choo-Leah.”  Oh, excuse me.  Where the hell she got that name from, we’ll never know.  Choo-Leah is Mia’s new partner-in-crime and she often goes along with her new friend to different places or scenes-of-the-crimes.  It’s interesting to see Mia with a doll, though.  That’s so not Mia.  She’d choose a dinosaur or car or dragon over a doll any day.  I know.  I’ve seen her do it many times.  Why choose a doll when you can have a race car to recklessly drive around, crash and burn, and then have a dragon swoop down and finish the remains?  I mean, the choice is clear, right?  Maybe Choo-Leah just has that special something.  I think the fact that she’s pretty small, light-weight and pliable makes her a better accomplice (or victim) and not as much of a hassle as some of the “others”.  Whatever it is, I think she’s in for some hard times.  You’re hanging with a rough kid, Choo-Leah.  If I find you in the toilet or hanging from a high place, don’t say I didn’t warn you.  Godspeed, brave soldier.
                       A day in the life of poor, poor Choo-Leah...


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