Saturday, June 5, 2010

Swim Time

Really nice day for a swim!  Only our second time in the water this summer.  Mia loves the water and is under the impression that she can already swim, so obviously we're really going to have to work with the girl

My two cheeseballs...
Teaching her how to doggy-paddle.  Kind of.
Watching Daddy swim laps
And just being Mia...
Mia had such a good time that she, of course, didn't want to get out.  We told her, "Come on, it's time to go eat dinner now." 
Her response: "No!  I wanna eat water!"
How do you even respond to that?


  1. "I want to eat water," FUNNY!! She's an Aquarius, right? Guess who has the same suit :) We seriously need to get these girls together!

  2. "I want to eat water"... that's just too cute! She packs a lot of personality into that little body. :)

  3. I know, that little monkey!

    Amy, yeah, she's an Aquarius. And we should, I bet they'd have fun together! That suit was too darn cute, huh? The little shorts part that made it look like a romper is what got me :)
