Friday, June 4, 2010

Boredom Strikes

Gee, you think she was a little bored?  There's only so many inside activities to do and it's already been so stinking hot, we now have to go out early or late in the day.  So that leaves a whole lot of this in-between.....

Notice the lack of clothing...
Our child likes being naked...we've already come to terms with that

Hey, look there..another cut and/or bruise
So the time had finally come to go outside! 
And it was time to get serious in our penguin/fish laden Chucks...
And complete and utter happiness ensued...

These smiles always make my day :)


  1. Don't you just wonder what little thoughts are going through her mind in those first two shots? She is definitely somewhere else. :)
    And those smiles... complete and utter happiness for sure.

  2. Yeah, just dreaming of outside probably because that's right up there with cheese and swimming, ya know! ;)
