Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sad Day

Our house was burglarized yesterday evening while we were out for a couple of hours.  When we got back and found what was left of our things, Mia had fallen asleep.  Instead of wake her up, we let her finish her nap there at our house.  When she woke up, she was fussy and I was holding her throughout the house.  She looked up, all of a sudden aware of things, and said in the most innocent way "Mamma, where's the TV?"  I told her the bad people took it and some other things.  She thought about it for a moment and then said, "They give it back"  My heart absolutely broke.  Here this little two-year-old knows what's right and wrong, yet grown adults can't seem to grasp that simple concept.  Life is so sad sometimes.


  1. I'm so sorry, Amanda. Assholes!

  2. Oh my God! I'm so glad you were gone when it happened! Amy is right... Assholes! I know it's hard to feel comfortable in your home after something like this. :( I'm so sorry.

  3. Yeah, you kind of hate to be spiteful, but screw it! I hope something horrible happens to them! Thank you guys :(
