Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Even though she's not the quintessential princess, Mia loves her princess play shoes.  Now that I think about it, she probably only likes them because they make so much noise....

She wanted Mommy to join in the clacky-shoe fun, so she sat me down and chose our shoes.  She wore red; I wore purple.  She made me feel like the evil stepsisters from Cinderella trying to shove a dainty little shoe on an ogre foot.  The look on her face was hilarious!  She really couldn't understand why they wouldn't fit...

Mimi's Garden

Mia had fun frolicking in her Mimi's beautiful garden.  Notice the black shadow behind her in the first pic  Needless to say, Ziggy had fun also.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sad Day

Our house was burglarized yesterday evening while we were out for a couple of hours.  When we got back and found what was left of our things, Mia had fallen asleep.  Instead of wake her up, we let her finish her nap there at our house.  When she woke up, she was fussy and I was holding her throughout the house.  She looked up, all of a sudden aware of things, and said in the most innocent way "Mamma, where's the TV?"  I told her the bad people took it and some other things.  She thought about it for a moment and then said, "They give it back"  My heart absolutely broke.  Here this little two-year-old knows what's right and wrong, yet grown adults can't seem to grasp that simple concept.  Life is so sad sometimes.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dora/Diego Sighting...

Mia always carries around her Dora and Diego and puts them in various positions around the house:  Eating at the table, sitting on the couch with Daddy, riding her rocking horse or sitting in her wagon.  But this is the first time I've found them reading books. Thought it was cute :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Swim Time

Really nice day for a swim!  Only our second time in the water this summer.  Mia loves the water and is under the impression that she can already swim, so obviously we're really going to have to work with the girl

My two cheeseballs...
Teaching her how to doggy-paddle.  Kind of.
Watching Daddy swim laps
And just being Mia...
Mia had such a good time that she, of course, didn't want to get out.  We told her, "Come on, it's time to go eat dinner now." 
Her response: "No!  I wanna eat water!"
How do you even respond to that?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Boredom Strikes

Gee, you think she was a little bored?  There's only so many inside activities to do and it's already been so stinking hot, we now have to go out early or late in the day.  So that leaves a whole lot of this in-between.....

Notice the lack of clothing...
Our child likes being naked...we've already come to terms with that

Hey, look there..another cut and/or bruise
So the time had finally come to go outside! 
And it was time to get serious in our penguin/fish laden Chucks...
And complete and utter happiness ensued...

These smiles always make my day :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


One of Mia's favorite things is cheese.  So her Papa gave her some Cheetos before she came home today so she'd be a good girl when we had to leave.  Apparently, she slipped into a Cheeto coma on the way home with her hand still in the bag...
Why is my child so addicted to cheese?  Why couldn't she be addicted to broccoli or listening to Mommy and Daddy?  Guess life wouldn't be as fun then, huh.