Sunday, May 23, 2010


One of the perks of having a parrot toddler?  Pure entertainment, of course.  But, naturally, you don't teach them to say bad things.  No.  They pick that up all on their own without actual lessons. 

So yesterday, her Daddy made her repeat a quote from the movie "Jarheads", but changed the wording slightly to fit her uh...robust physical proportions:

"This is my pansa (parrot repeat)

There are many pansas like it,

But this one is mine" (parrot repeat..followed by laughter from her horrible parents)


  1. Love the identical poses! Which one is Mia and which one is the parrot? :)

  2. Haha! I don't know..I was trying to decipher that myself? :\

  3. What a grest way for us to watch Mia grow up!!
