Monday, May 31, 2010


Are there even words?  She came out of her room all nonchalant like this was normal...


And then...there was something else?  Oh, yeah.  There's also that blue pen all over her legs...
And feet...
It's all fun and games until somebody gets penned
My only question, besides the obvious, is why just the legs?  Maybe one day she can tell me all about it... she gives me this look

And, no, it didn't all come off


  1. Hmmmm... I seem to recall a few similar incidents from your childhood. :) One especially, where I WISHED it was ink, instead of a more, shall we say, organic!

    These are adorable pictures, that last one with the eyes is priceless. I'm glad you thought to snap pics. :)

  2. Lol! Yeah, Mia has taken her "organic" diaper off about three times now, but it's always been with I've dodged some bullets there! He says she must get it from me because he never did that...dear God, perhaps he's right :|

    And yeah, the eyes shot is my fave too..little monster

  3. Funny!! I wonder what kids this age are thinking when they're doing that. Cassie likes to draw only on her fingertips...much easier to clean than the leg thing :)

  4. Haha! Yeah, you do wonder what the heck they're thinking..crazy kids!

  5. Just the legs...that's hilarious. Well, the whole thing is pretty funny... I can just imagine your face the minute you saw her. Haha.

  6. Lol..actually, I was more terrified that perhaps she had wrote on the walls and everything else more than her body. Is that bad? I just knew it would come off of her..but the walls, not so much.
