Monday, May 31, 2010


Are there even words?  She came out of her room all nonchalant like this was normal...


And then...there was something else?  Oh, yeah.  There's also that blue pen all over her legs...
And feet...
It's all fun and games until somebody gets penned
My only question, besides the obvious, is why just the legs?  Maybe one day she can tell me all about it... she gives me this look

And, no, it didn't all come off

Sunday, May 30, 2010

We went to the swapmeet this weekend with my family.  We hadn't been in probably a year now, and shortly after arriving I remembered why it's been so long.  Pretty disappointing, indeed.  But we found a few little treasures and still had a good time being out in the sunshine :)

*P.S.  Mia is no longer Teflon-baby.  Even with sunblock, she got a little burned.  Darn.  It was nice while it lasted.

Bad Boys

Christopher is finally, after jumping through a lot of hoops, going to start work again.  Yay!  He's once again been hired on with the county.  He passed everything he needed to and is supposed to start in about a week.  We're really proud of all the hard work he's put in and everything he's accomplished.  Now maybe we can start getting at least a little order back in our lives anyway...after all, some things are supposed to be a little crazy, right?

Mia just knows that her Daddy is going to be a "bad boy".  That's what she calls all law enforcement and their vehicles since seeing the beginning of "Cops" way too many times, thanks to her Daddy.  She's so much like him when it comes to walking that dangerous line and wanting to do things that could potentially give me a heart attack.  I mean, I want her to be happy and do what she wants to do in life, but if she tells me she wants to be a cop or a Marine or something, I might just take myself up on that heart attack.

Anyways, we are just grateful to be getting an opportunity like this in a bad economy and really hope everything works out this time around.
(The two Evil Knievels - Mia at about 8 months with her of my faves of them together)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba Live! Here We Come!

Finally, we get to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live!  We wanted to go this last time they toured, but didn't get a we pulled all strings to make it happen this time!  But we as the parents are not excited in the least.  No.  We'll be sitting calm and collected in our assigned seats.  Naturally, we're only there for strict supervisional purposes ;)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Save the World

This quote always reminds me of her...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Nice Night for Chalk

 <= That's the Mia I know and love!

It was really nice and breezy this evening, so we chalked it up!

Casualties of Mia...

I guess Mia thought Muno and Dora needed some more fiber in their diet.  That, or she was offering them up as a sacrafice. Not sure which.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ziggy Marley/Stardust

This is our new addition, Ziggy. We've had him since Mother's Day and he's really a great little guy. Smart, playful yet gentle, and he can run like the wind! He's made our home a little more complete and sort of fills a little void. He also gives Mia someone else to play with besides her boring parents  : |

And, yes, he does have eyes...somewhere in there..

Gabba Gang

Here's the Gabba Gang from one of Mia's favorite shows, Yo Gabba Gabba. Toodee is her favorite character. She's the blue cat-dragon in the back there. Isn't it funny how kids gravitate towards their own similar characteristics? Toodee is excitably loud, jumpy, mischievous and really isn't afraid of anything...sounds awfully familiar?...


One of the perks of having a parrot toddler?  Pure entertainment, of course.  But, naturally, you don't teach them to say bad things.  No.  They pick that up all on their own without actual lessons. 

So yesterday, her Daddy made her repeat a quote from the movie "Jarheads", but changed the wording slightly to fit her uh...robust physical proportions:

"This is my pansa (parrot repeat)

There are many pansas like it,

But this one is mine" (parrot repeat..followed by laughter from her horrible parents)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Beginning

I've been wanting to keep track of Mia's life for a long time now - too long it seems. And I have kept track of her milestones and other important events in the form of journaling, but I've wanted to blog more of her daily activities. And now, two-and-a-half years later...I'm finally getting around to it. Thank goodness for small accomplishments!

This is Mia now...or more like a few months ago. I thought we could start with a nice, docile picture before the monster is unleashed. We used this picture on her birthday invitation. In case you can't tell by the Cheddar pose there, she's a major Cheez-It. Isn't she adorable though? I could just eat those cheeks up!