Monday, December 26, 2011

♫♪ This is Halloween, This is Halloween ♪♫

Last Halloween Mia was a princess and this year she decided she wanted to be a witch that "gets" the princess. Haha! How completely opposite. She still loves the princesses, though. It was a close competition between a witch, Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty (her new favorite), but in the end her mischievous side got the better. She was a “cute” witch, but she didn’t know it. She thought her costume in its purple/green/black hues was pretty sinister looking. The fact that it was covered in moons and stars and completely adorable didn’t seem to faze her perception. We went to Christopher’s uncle’s for his annual Halloween party and Mia had a great time playing with other kiddos and going through the haunted house many, many times. After about 5 times I stopped counting. She loves being scared. Our “scary witch” also won the prize for “cutest costume” – she was so thrilled!

We spent Halloween at my brother’s, again, where we threw a small party on the back patio and had lots of goodies and a few games to keep busy until it got dark. Then the kiddos trick-or-treated it up and got just a little candy before they called it a night.

Our Gabba pumpkins :)


  1. Being Evil Takes Time & Practice......She'll Get It Eventually (Laughs Like Dr. Evil).......

  2. Lol I'm sure she will...thanks to her uncle...
