Monday, December 26, 2011

More Dance and a Trip to the Fair

I think the first recital was the ice-breaker because after that, Mia went into cheddar cheese and ham mode and completely – I don’t know – focused on doing a great job at every other performance. I thought maybe I was just being biased (because she was my child :p), but we had people come up to us after these shows and tell us and her what a great job she did. Her teacher, other teachers, even complete strangers. And I think that fueled her to keep doing her best. Why was this so surprising to us all? Because Mia is, without question, the class clown. She’ll practice and all, but just until she gets bored and then she starts goofing off and trying to make everyone laugh. I know. I’ve seen it many times. So to go from being the one who others looked to for goofing off, to being the one that others look to for the steps was a complete 180. Don’t know how she pulled it off, but they were proud Mamma moments for sure.

After one of Mia’s dance performances at the fair, we made a night of it and unleashed the crazy monster for a night of fun. I rode a couple of rides with her, but it was mostly Daddy who went all out and there was no stopping until every ride was ridden…at least twice. And although I was just the pack mule carrying all of the food, drinks and goodies as we went along, this was by far the most fun we’ve had at the fair.

We also went home with three fish that the two crazies won. Just what I wanted, three more mouths to feed. Yay! I kid. They’re very pretty (still alive!) and there’s a small, medium and large. Mia appropriately named them Daddy, Mommy and Baby. ^_^


  1. Maybe you found her true passion, the thing that will make her concentrate and be serious about it :)

  2. Haha I hope so...maybe she just needs that energy outlet, whatever it may be!
