Thursday, October 20, 2011

We need to talk

Mommy, I want to talk about the kiss.

The kiss?

Yeah.  You kissed Daddy...and we need to talk about it.


I know it’s really important, but you kiss Daddy too many times.

Oh really?  You saw me kiss Daddy, huh?

Yeah.  I saw you lots and lots of times.

Well, I’m very sorry.  Am I not supposed to kiss Daddy?

Well, I think you should get my makeup ring and marry Daddy.

I am married to Daddy.

You are?  Why?

Because I love him.

Oh, okay.  I love him too.

I know you do.

We all love each other!

Yes, we do.  :)


  1. Haha! Abstract things are so confusing to them and difficult for us to explain. No matter how many times I've tried to explain it, Cassie thinks kissing and being married are the same. So the other day Jeff and I kissed, and Cassie said, "You guys need to stop being married." :)
    -Amy Maier

  2. Lol I guess she didn't approve, eh? Hahah!
