Thursday, October 20, 2011

A step down from lemonade

You know the saying, "If life throws you lemons..."?  Well, I don't mind lemons.  I welcome lemons.  Sure they're tart, but they are edible, after all.

What if life just keeps throwing you piles of poo?  Yes, poo.  Not so welcoming.  And I ain't eatin' that.

At the end of August, my husband was in a nasty car accident.  He rolled our truck a few times, landed on top of a parked car and came out with only a small gash on his elbow.  And he wasn't wearing his seatbelt.  How is that possible?  After looking at the scene, no one understood how.  It was like something out of a movie.  He's very fortunate.  He had a guardian angel with him, for sure.  And while we joke around with him about what a shit magnet he is, he's also very lucky.  Ironic, yes. 

While we were in those moments of madness, we didn't realize Mia had picked up on what we were talking about.  I never said out loud what had happened because I didn't want to upset her.  But I'm assuming she heard key words like "rolled the truck", "ambulance", "hospital".  I suppose we just don't give little ones enough credit sometimes.  They are intelligent little sponges, after all.  Just moments after we found out and were rushing to get to the scene, she was very upset and crying and asking if Daddy was hurt.  Total heartbreak.  So I assured her that he was okay.  And sure enough, one ambulance ride and two hospitals later, we saw for ourselves that he was fine.  Banged up, but fine.

Mia's very sad about our truck.  We all are.  We loved it and it was a good, reliable truck.  She was asking why we weren't driving it anymore and we told her because it was too hurt and crunched up in the accident.  She wanted to know all the details.

"Did truck die?"

"Yes, baby, it did."

"Did it fall over?"

"Uh...yeah, it fell over."

"Did it close its eyes?"

"..........yes, it did."

Then she went very quiet after this.  We thought she was just taking it all in until we heard whimpering from the backseat.

"What's wrong, baby?"


Wow.  Guess the truck really meant a lot to her.  Damn that Disney for ever making movies about talking cars with personalities and feelings...and eyes.  Poor Daddy.  Poor Mia.  Poor truck.  :(

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm glad he's okay! And I didn't realize a little child would get so attached to a car. Sad but funny ;)
    -Amy Maier
