Saturday, May 7, 2011

Channeling Captain America

It's no secret that my dear husband is in love slightly obsessed with Captain America.  So much so that he dedicated his first tattoo to the superhero's very first shield.  Safe to say Mia knows all too well about Cappy.  She kind of has a thing for Spiderman; she thinks Iron Man rocks; and she's both mesmerized and terrified of the Hulk.  But she knows where Daddy's loyalties lie and so she, too, is a little obsessed and honors the Captain in different ways. 

For instance, I was looking online and the cute 4th of July clothes that were starting to come out when she came up from behind me and freaked about something she saw on the screen...
And the reason she freaked?  Because she said they were "Captain America" boots.  Uh-huh...not...quite.  But okay?

So me and Christopher were in the mall and were walking by said store when I told him I wanted to just go in and look around, not even thinking about the boots.  And there they were...and there was only one pair left..and they were in her size.  I gave him the "but it was meant to be!"  look.  He looked at the price and I swear I could hear his sphincter tightening.  "For kids boots?!"  Obviously Daddy is not the one that shops for Mia, as he has no idea how expensive everything - including little red cowboy boots - is these days.  Then I realized I had forgotten to tell him the most important thing about them.  "You know, your daughter only wanted them so badly because she thought they were Captain America boots."  It took him about two seconds to get that big grin on his face and say, "Give 'em to me."  Okay then.  Lesson learned.  If it has anything to do with Captain America, it's totally worth it.

And now Mia has created these new play-scenarios where she is Captain America and she must save the day.  Our favorite one is when we're playing outside and she tells us to "pretend to be sad when you don't have your ball" so we act sad.  She goes and throws the ball into the flowerbed, which drops down about 5 inches from our grass.  Well, you'd think it was 5 feet the way she squats down with her arms back like she's making a huge jump.  The funniest thing, though, is her words and subsequent song that go along with the rescue.  As she's in her squatting position with arms back, she always says, "Don't worry!  I'm Captain America and I'm gonna saaavve the day!"  Then the little hero ditty comes in, "Dun-dun-duuunnn! - Dun-dun-duunn-dun-dun!"  It goes on a bit longer than that, but that's the jist of it.  Sounds awfully similar to the Wonder Pets theme song, as a matter of fact, but we'll just look that part over.

And we've known for a while that there's a new Captain America movie coming out this summer.  God help us all.