Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day

Mia enjoyed Valentine’s Day this year.  She kept hearing and seeing everyone saying it beforehand, so she joined right in and told many random people “Happy Valentine’s Day!”  before and after the actual day.

That morning Christopher brought me flowers.  Mia witnessed this, so she ran off for a moment and then returned with her newest Olivia doll, handed it to me and said, “Here, Mamma.  Happy Valentine’s Day!  It’s Olivia for you!”  Best gift ever.  I could have just eaten her up it was so sweet.  She loves that doll and there she was giving it to me.  She then asked for it back like 5 minutes later...but still.  It is, after all, a prized possession.  Only to be leant out for special occasions, I suppose.  :-p

So Christopher and I went out to lunch and had a lovely time.  After lunch, we got Mia a few V-day treats – mainly her favorite movie (Up) along with some sweet goodies.  I went home to wrap them while Daddy picked up the monkey.  He told her we had a surprise for her so she was very excited when she got home.  She happily unwrapped her gifts and was thrilled with them.  We then, of course, had to watch her new movie.  A good day  :o)

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