Thursday, February 17, 2011

The sickies strike again

Nice day for a walk.  A bit cold, but the sun took care of most of that.  Mia had fun running, jumping and blowing on dandelions.  We met a little dog who loved playing catch, so Mia threw the ball for him for a while.  Towards the end of our usual route and right when I thought she’d be getting pretty tired, she looked up at me and said, “Mamma, can I run?”  So she ran…again.  Ah, to be young and full of endless, jumpy energy…
Then we played outside a little later.  Mia’s been attached to her sandbox, which was an early Valentine’s Day gift we got her.  She so loved her makeshift sandbox, so we thought we’d better get her  a proper one.  I just like to smell the golden sand.  Smells beachy…mmmm..
And then it happened.  She said the words that give parents that oh, great feeling.  “Mommy, I feel sick.”

Darn it.  So I gave her some medicine and we came inside and caught up on our Hayao Miyazaki films.  So far, Mia’s seen Howl’s Moving Castle and Ponyo, so today we watched Spirited Away.  She really liked the movie and wasn’t scared at all, which I thought she might be, given the spirits and such.   She cuddled in a blanket and was still...which told me she really didn't feel well.  Even if she's watching TV or a movie, she's usually doing headstands or jumping off of something.  
She felt better for a while, but the sickies still continue.  I gave her more medicine before she went to bed and she said, “Mamma, can I have some more medicine?  There’s still some hurt in my tummy.”  Poor lamb :o(

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