Friday, October 29, 2010

Candy Massacre

Now, I thought the cupcakes would satisfy the need for sweets.  Makes sense.  But no.  I was still asked to hand over the Halloween candy that I hid a few days ago (having a feeling it would be raided).  I refused making the valid argument that there would be none left for the trick-or-treaters (and I hate running out of candy).  So the search was on.  When they got close to my hiding place, I snatched it and ran.  I was literally chased around the house by husband and child trying to take the Halloween candy from my arms!  But I was no match for the two tackling ticklers.  What has the world come to…

Making Cupcakes

Me and Mia made Halloween cupcakes a few nights ago.  Not much of a helper, that girl, but an excellent bowl-licker.

First of all, the box lies.  This is the picture on the, no.  This is not how it went down.  White clothing and a clean child were not part of this cupcake-making experience...
 It's a very precise process putting the sprinkles on...

Money Savers

Don’t you love how the holidays seem to suck up all of your extra money?  Besides me and Christopher not doing full-on costumes this year, we also saved a couple other ways. 

I reused Mia’s Easter shoes by painting the roses yellow and then putting gold glitter glue over that to give them a nice sparkle.  They match her dress perfectly and I didn’t have to spend a thing.  We’ll just look over the fact that she’s now a size 8 and they’re a size 7…hey, you’ve got to work with what you’ve got!

And Mimi came by last week and got Mia a happy meal from McDonald’s.  Instead of the usual toy they put in it, they were giving kids their food in a trick-or-treat bucket with pictures of blank Mr. Potato-Heads on them.  And the best part is they also gave stickers of all the parts so that the kids can decorate their own Potato-Heads just how they’d like to – how cute :)


We found Johnny at the grocery store.  He was too cute to pass up and now Mia doesn’t have to keep walking around awkwardly with her bigger, stemmy-er pumkin.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Had  a nice time at the good ol’ pumpkin patch, again, this year.   We had Mia’s pictures taken there in her costume and they turned out adorable.  We told her she was going to get her pictures taken and then she could go see the animals, so she was just bursting at the seams to get it over with and was a little ornery  at first.  She does this thing now where she sucks in her cheeks just a little while lowering her jaw to try and not smile – the little booger.  So we had to do the usual blackmail of “If you be good and take some pictures, we can go see the animals.”  That turned things around real quick.  She brought out her bag of smiles, cheeses and sweet faces, but kept asking the photographer, “Now can I see the animals, Miss?”  and “I really want to see the animals.”  Needless to say, we saw the animals.  After that we let Mia go around and basically touch every single pumpkin there while saying “Maybe this one?  Hmmm, I think maybe this one.  Or maybe…or maybe...”  Yeah, we finally had to just pick some for her.  In true Mia style, she lost her hairclip (in her car seat, I found out later) before we even got there, so once again she had her hair in her face.  Half searching and half taking pictures, I finally found a bobby pin in my purse toward the end to pin it up.

These gorgeous pictures courtesy of Natalie at NYFotography.  She did a fantastic job and really captured a lot of Mia’s personality and “looks”
Courtesy of Mommy :)...
What a difference a year makes.  Still the same Mia - same smile, same part in her hair; still her Daddy’s messy eyebrows, God bless her; still has the chunk cheeks…but her face has changed.  It’s a little less baby and a little more defined.  And you see that?  Right there around the eyes.  Is that…..?  Yeah, that’s what I thought.  More attitude.