Monday, February 13, 2012

2 + 2 = Monkey

My girl is officially 4.  She couldn’t be more excited.  Quite a milestone, after all.  She first got to feel special at school.  In their music class, the kids’ birthdays are first celebrated by being put in a special chair at the front of the class so that everyone can sing them happy birthday.  They have their own birthday song they sing that includes their name and age – very cute.  They don a birthday crown for the day and get to bring a treat for all to share.  Mia’s birthday landed on what was also Pajama Party day, so she got to bring doughnuts for her and her classmates to enjoy.  The kiddos thought that was the coolest thing.  Ah, the power of doughnuts :)

On her birthday, Daddy bought her a cake and ice cream and they celebrated at Grandma and Papa’s house with all the kiddos.  Daddy said she loved being sang to and had lots of fun being a monkey.

The next day, I thought I’d take her out to celebrate, just me and her.  I surprised her with a trip to the movies to watch Beauty and the Beast in 3D.  We had time before it started, so we ate, had ice cream, bought a new bedtime book at a nearby bookstore and just walked the shops outside and talked.  It was such a beautiful, warm day.  We spent lots of time by the wishing well and left lots of wishes (pennies) in it.  While lying on her stomach, Mia would take her coin and whisper her wish to it, then toss it in.  Very cute.  A bit before it was time to watch the movie, Mia made a little friend, Keira.  Instantly, there was giggling, gabbing and games of tag and hide-and-seek.  It just so happened Keira and her Mommy were there to see the same movie as us, so the girls held hands on the way in, sat together and even shared a bag of popcorn.  I swear, that girl makes friends everywhere she goes.

The 3D glasses were not making Mia happy – at first.  She didn’t understand why she had to wear them, even after I explained it to her.  Try explaining 3D to a four-year-old.  You get a blank stare.  I think she explained it better once she saw it for herself.  It was “magic” :)  She was absolutely mesmerized by the movie and loved every minute of it.  She even opted to keep her 3D glasses instead of recycle them so that she could better inspect them once we got home (after being unable to find any apparent magical qualities, she gave up).  After the movie, the new friends said goodbye and went their separate ways.  Mia couldn’t stop talking about the movie and asking questions of why this or that happened.  It was one of those perfect days.  I hope she always remembers it.


  1. Happy Birthday to sweet Mia. Dang, time goes by sooo fast! And can that girl get any more photogenic :)
